Lusting after Fluevogs

Amy's thoughts about my edge actually being arty included the idea of Fluevogs.

I've long loved the look of Fluevogs, all the cool people in my world wear them. But I associate them with heels, which aren't practical for my life. And I need that wider width. But I indulged the thought and went browsing. See first two Finds. And quickly became obsessed.

The closest place I can try them on in person is more than 400 miles away. And the brand is not available on Zappos. 

I found these on Amazon (second two Finds): Not as exciting, but would allow me to try them on, and free returns. 


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  • abc replied 8 years ago

    I like the Evers the best but that is my style preference (more refined).

    Maybe someone will chime in and give you more options on where to get them.  Have you scoured the internet besides Zappos and Amazon?  Can you buy directly from Fluevog?

  • Word Lily replied 8 years ago

    I can buy directly from Fluevog, but the shipping and return terms (almost a guarantee since I've never tried them on) aren't nearly as nice.

  • amiable replied 8 years ago

    I think we need to take a road trip.  To somewhere with a Fluevog store. That would just make things easy, right? 


    (Is there a Fluevog store in Chicago?  I'm planning a family "vacation" there in November)

  • Word Lily replied 8 years ago

    Chicago, Minneapolis, Austin, but Denver's closest to me.

  • Elly replied 8 years ago

    A quick search took me to a ton of women's options on Amazon. I remember another forum member who was an enthusiast that had wide feet and had no problems with many of the styles.

    Might as well look around and try a few pairs, esp. if you have prime!

    It depends on the individual shoe-- Flevogs are both edgy AND arty.

  • abc replied 8 years ago

    What amiable said :D

    If there is one in Chi, maybe she can pick some up for you, at least then if they don't work out you are only out return shipping (I am going out on a limb and assuming the offer was there already for this service, haha)

    FWIW I would not sacrifice style, color, etc - just to have THAT brand.  If your heart is set on the brand, I would investigate the options available and see if it's worth it to me to either risk it and pay shipping and possibly return shipping.

    Also you could start a thread on here to find out how their sizing is (or search archives).  That could help reduce the need for returns, theoretically.

  • Cerinda replied 8 years ago

    Combine with a trip to Seattle and a YLF meet-up?  I'm a fan but think you're very wise to consider ease of return -- Vogs' sizing varies like crazy.

  • JAileen replied 8 years ago

    I've always thought Fleuvogs looked interesting. I love the first pair and have admired it for a long time. I like the second pair too. I don't have Fleuvog nearby so mail order would be my option too. Why don't you order one or two pairs from Amazon and see how you like them? I don't see any down side. I bought and returned a ton of stuff this summer from various stores. In all cases I had free shipping or could return directly to a store. While I had some misses, I ended up keeping a lot too.

  • amiable replied 8 years ago

    Yes, abc - the offer to pick some up in Chicago is there (but not explicitly spelled out).  So is the offer to take a week of vacation and just join us on the trip :)  

  • abc replied 8 years ago

    If it were me you know what option I would choose - the vacation!!!! :D enjoy and good luck w/the shoes.

  • Jenn replied 8 years ago

    You guys should totally road trip to Denver. I'll meet you at the Fluevog store!

    I agree that they're both arty and edgy, and I've drooled over them on and off for years, too.

  • SandyG replied 8 years ago

    I own several pairs of 'Vogs and love them all, but each family of styles fit differently. You can call a store and talk with a real person who can help you with fit questions; I've always found them friendly and super informative. Enjoy!

  • Suz replied 8 years ago

    I think they are a great idea for your style, but you'll need to try on different ones to see which family fits your foot the best. 

    You could call whichever store you are travelling to in advance and see if they could order in sizes of the shoes you are considering. 

  • K. Period. replied 8 years ago

    The key to Fluevogs is that you need to talk to a salesperson at the store.  They are wildly all over the place in sizing.  Mine run from 8 1/2 to 10 1/2.  I typically wear a 9.  The salespeople, though, know their stock through and through. They will let you know what size will fit you best.  They will even tell you what just ain't gonna happen.  (If you buy sale shoes, they will call you and consult with you before they send them out.)

    I have wider feet (wider than average, but not quite wide enough to require a wide shoe).  There are Fluevogs that are never in a million years going to fit me.  You can figure out which footbed works for you (you'll see the family mentioned, like "Wonders") and then you can typically count on shoes built on that footbed to fit.  As for Amazon, if any are ones you aren't that certain about, but are built on the same footbed as what you want, you could try them on and see if you love them.  If not, you can return them and then call the store and ask about the ones you like--and describe how the ones you tired fit or didn't.  

  • Keix replied 8 years ago

    There's a Fluevog store in San Francisco, which I've stopped into a few times... sadly, the styles that I'm personally lusting over (see Finds) are very much in the high-heel category, while my feet are in the flats-please category. 

  • Style Fan replied 8 years ago

    They are pretty cool shoes.  I don't own any but my sister does.  I am a big fan of Trippen.  Approprio has a pair.

  • annabelle replied 8 years ago

    I agree with K. and others who assure you that the store salespeople are very aware of the sizing, and your shape foot. The Fluevog site also has good sizing hints. The returns policy from the site is not good, iirc, you only can get Fluevog site or store credit, which makes it tough to try two sizes and return one. If you guys make the pilgrimage to Seattle, let me know!

  • Bijou replied 8 years ago

    These look like great comfortable boots.  I like the Derby Swirl style, but because I hate ill fitting shoes, I would find an excuse to have a holiday so that I could try them on before buying.  Best of luck in finding your perfect pair!

  • Janet replied 8 years ago

    Fluevog's customer service is pretty darn good, in my experience. I think you could call and get good recommendations on sizing. I have one pair now (I had three but I sold two that I was no longer wearing), and I agree that their sizing is wildly inconsistent. I have narrowish feet and have taken anywhere from a 7.5 to a 9 with then, and I NEVER need a 9! Ebay sometimes has some in really nice condition too.

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